Principal Culinologist and Culinex founder Mark Crowell is well-known in the Research Chef Association, having served as an active member and contributing the first chapterĀ to the new Culinology textbook, released in 2016.

Mark received the 2016 Pioneer Award at the Research Chef Association Conference in Denver, CO. I took a far-away and blurry picture of his award acceptance from RCA President Catherine Proper. You should have seen the line of culinologists shaking his hands! Ever humble, he won’t even mention the most recent award unless prompted.

In this interview, Mark tells how a failed Washington, D.C. restaurant may have been the catalyst propelling him into R&D and making him part of some of the fastest growth at Starbucks. He also talks about the specialty of Culinex and discussing entrepreneurship and food business leadership.

Find out more about Culinex atĀ