Uninsured Restaurant Workers

Uninsured Restaurant Workers

Courtesy of Sarah Wong The International Examiner wrote an interesting article about the struggles of getting insurance. Many of us freelance earners – or low wage earners – know that it’s challenging to obtain affordable insurance. I’m...
Favorite Asian Cuisine Packs Calories

Favorite Asian Cuisine Packs Calories

 Picture from http://www.maybusher.com/Bests.aspx  The International Examiner, a free publication in the International District, published an examination of popular Asian dishes and the nutrients they provide. It’s not really a disheartening article – we...
Favorite Asian Cuisine Packs Calories

Food Trends 2011

Happy New Year! I’m a member of the American Dietetic Association’s Food and Culinary Professionals Working Group. Basically, we discuss nutrition with a food service bent, such as finding out the nutritional value of obscure foods, celebrating new publications, or...