“Have you felt it? There has been an awakening… “
…of the need to improve ourselves. Early January posts on blogs and news stations often center around “New Year, New You!” We’re encouraged to get fit, eat less, spend differently, save money, dress better, date more… it’s crazy, and I feel like a puppet in the hands of the advertising masters.
Diet ads aired on Boxing Day, and reduced- fat/sugar/calorie/deliciousness food products went on sale on January 2nd. A few authors and podcasters that I follow talked about the goals, resolutions, and other life-altering tasks that they planned to start.
Not to be left behind, I downloaded Hal Elrod’s The Miracle Morning, Peter Voogd’s Young Entrepreneur Lifestyle, and bought a Kickstarter share of John Lee Dumas’ The Freedom Journal.
My ambition so often outweighs my ability to execute, but the Audible edition of the Miracle Morning wakes me up and gets my mindset right, the Young Entrepreneur Lifestyle is a quick listen with great content, and The Freedom Journal is where I plan to write my real 2016 goal.
This new mentality of deliberately, thoughtfully developing myself is something I’ve gathered from The Mentee, Geoff Woods’ podcast that I discovered over the summer. Personal growth is part of becoming more fit (fitter?), and it’s vital for my growth as a leader in the industry.
In addition to my personal development, I’ve chosen to focus on my fitness and my fitness activities with my family. So, this year, 2016 will be my most fit year.
Joshua and I have purchased sport rock climbing rope (60m), helmets, and quick-draws. We plan to climb and improve our climbing skills, and our new Northern California home location gives us quick access to some of the most famous climbs, hikes, and camping trips. I’m in!
I am also on the waiting list to sign up for the November Rock N Roll Marathon in Las Vegas. I am planning to run the Half, but heck, it sounded better.
Well, here’s to 2016!
What are you planning to do?
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