Chef Barton Dewing’s interview was packed with incredible information, and I wanted to share a section that we removed from his Culinologist interview due to length. It was packed with wisdom that I implemented immediately in my work, and it resulted in a different perspective on R&D projects. The mis en place required to be successful in development of products is essential, and projects fall apart very quickly if contingency planning isn’t conducted at the beginning of the project.
If you have gained value from the podcast, would you consider personally sponsoring or inquiring of whether your organization would contribute? Just $10 per month from a few sponsors would keep the show going. You can specify if you want to support the podcasting effort in general or support a specific series – PeasOnMoss or The Culinologist.
We’ll be back with Season 2 of the PeasOnMoss podcast shortly with more interviews and a deeper dive into the mis en place that makes food business entrepreneurs successful and launches products in development. That is, after all, why the blog and podcast are called PeasOnMoss.
PeasOnMoss, because mis en place made me sound like I had it all together.
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