Happy Birthday, Jacque Pepin

Jacques Pepin is one of the chefs that definitely piqued my interest in cooking. I watched Jacques and Julia’s cooking show before I even knew that they were the founding chefs of cooking in America. Julia would state how she wanted to do a recipe, and then Jacque...
Extended Shelf Life for Chefs: Crossing into Research and Development

Bulletproof Mocha Mousse

This past weekend was the 5th Annual Bulletproof Conference in Pasadena, CA. I was invited to give a cooking demonstration in the tech and exhibit hall, so I modified the original Bulletproof mousse recipe and use the brand new Ready to Drink, Bulletproof Coffee Cold...
Extended Shelf Life for Chefs: Crossing into Research and Development

From Bombs to Bunsen Burners, Part 2

Kimberly’s note: Jonathan Valdez wrote this guest post describing his process in researching and selecting a food science graduate degree. Thanks for sharing the start of your journey, Jonathan! ~ My first steps were integral to getting to the point I am now....