AI for nutrition- is it prime time?
Last time I talked about what precision nutrition or personalized nutrition is. This article details some opportunities and challenges that PN has as it is coming to the mainstream. PN stems from understanding individual gene-nutrient interaction (nutrigenomics) and...
Research Chefs Association Certifications – are they right for you? General culinology course starts Thursday, April 4.
As a career crossover, it was important to me to find a way to educate myself appropriately in the new-to-me culinology field. I knew I loved it, but I wasn’t sure what information I was lacking. The RCA Certified Culinary Scientist and RCA Certified Research Chef offered an opportunity to align myself with a respected organization and to (hope to) prove my experience and knowledge in the field.

Is age really just a number? No, Maturity is what counts.
No, this blog post isn’t your generic rant on relationship advice, this is a whole different story: This is the story of a shot of whiskey. The shot that starts the party The shot that gives you company on lonely days. The shot that saves you from misery Or the...
The ‘B’ Word: Why the buzz?
Frank Yiannas, past vice-president of Walmart has called Blockchain technology ‘the holy grail’. But I seek to investigate it. Is it as good as it seems? What is Blockchain? Blockchain is beyond bitcoin. Simply put- it is a digital ledger that holds a permanent record...
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