
One challenge that many cooks have when they want to commercialize a recipe that they love is the scale up. Think of the first time you tried to make a signature dish of yours for your entire family and tried to triple or quadruple the recipe. Did it work? What about...
The ChefSteps Coffee Class

The ChefSteps Coffee Class

Behind the scenes of the coffee photo shoot (Photo courtesy of ChefSteps) The chef instructors at ChefSteps are pretty cool guys. I met a few of them in my adventure working as a development chef at the Cooking Lab developing recipes for Modernist Cuisine at...
The ChefSteps Coffee Class

Basic Taste: evolution of knowledge

Dairy scientist Paul McNeely conducts a taste test Years ago, NPR interviewed Jonah Lehrer, who gave interviewer Robert Krulwich a history of the understanding of the basic tastes. Greek philosopher Democritus is credited with the first thoughts about the basic...
The ChefSteps Coffee Class

What If, Part 2

Courtesy of Chef Amadeus Chef Amadeus thrives in the What If world. What if you added a particular ingredient to a classic dish? What if you changed that ingredient’s format – dehydrate and grind it instead of serving it fresh or smoke it first? What if you...

Idea Graphing

As I was listening to Chef Amadeus spring from one idea to the next, a powerful image popped into my head, which I had seen in the Harvard University Food For Thought course 2013, during Chef Grant Achatz’s spotlight. It was an idea spider graph, essentially. No, I...