Try Green Giant Valley Fresh Steamers for free

Walkers Mincemeat Tarts

Photo from Mincemeat pies are a traditional favorite of the British Isles, and I vaguely remember the desserts from childhood when we lived in Hong Kong. My parents aren’t really into British food, but we had access to it when we dined with...
Try Green Giant Valley Fresh Steamers for free

Dim Sum King Meets Cravings

Dim Sum is a fancy Chinese tapas-like cuisine popular in Hong Kong and Southern China. According to fellow Examiner Prairie, dim sum is a brunch-lunch food that features small bites of food, dumplings, and even chicken feet (which are delicious, if you get the braised...
Try Green Giant Valley Fresh Steamers for free

106 Pine

One of the fun activities that Josh and I like to do together is taste wine. We really started getting into wine tasting when we visited Santa Barbara while in college. The winery that we toured graciously walked us through a wine tasting, and from there we have been...
Try Green Giant Valley Fresh Steamers for free

Keeping My Blog Going

One of the interesting things about being a freelance writer is that every day is sort of day-to-day with regard to being paid. I’m fortunate that I have been able to piece together a semblance of an income by writing for Demand Studios. I also receive some fun...