Rouxbe Online Cooking School

Rouxbe Online Cooking School

Sign ups for this culinary program are starting again. I met one of the original founders of Rouxbe years ago at an Allrecipes PR event, and I loved the idea of having different culinary courses available online. The film quality is outstanding, and the explanations...
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South by Pacific Northwest Dinner

Dinner event announcement from our friends at Whole Foods Market ~~ South By Pacific Northwest From Around Here 8-course Dinner  Thursday, August 28 at 6:00 p.m.  Velvet Underground Dining Experience (VUDE). Chef Anne Haerle, the culinary...
Like Wine? Attend a free wine tasting at Whole Foods

Unleashing the Kraken

From the Kraken Congee website You’ve heard of pop-up restaurants, right? It’s the concept wherein a temporary restaurant “pops up” inside a different restaurant. Sometimes the food is prepared by people from that restaurant, and sometimes...