Cooks & Books event

La Lot Restaurant

La Lot Restaurant 925 Steward St #102 206.682.8812 Hanoi 75 Pomartini Betel Leaf Beef Sesame Chicken Roll Claypot Catfish Pork Ribs Fried Eggplant and Tofu A friend and I got together a while back for a quick bite of food, a casual converation, and some new cuisine...
Cooks & Books event

Cooking Classes at Bargreen Ellingson

Teaching a class at the Puyallup state fair 2009 Who likes to watch well-recognized chefs leave their restaurants and come to demo kitchens to cook for an audience? I love the opportunity to meet the chefs and hear their perspectives and watch them cook. It probably...
Cooks & Books event

Where they are now: Kukuruza

When Josh and I moved to Seattle, I dragged him to the Market as often as I could, because I loved all the stores, shops, and businesses to be found on virtually every street. When I owned a nutrition consulting business in Colorado, I learned the deep value of...